Just smile and wave boys...just smile and wave !!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

Cheyenne showing off her Easter craft. CUTE!!

The boys hard at work on Easter activities.



Albert looking for eggs.


Cheyenne found a alot!

That silly rabbit hid eggs everywhere!! :)

Jordan, laughing at us! She thought it was funny that we were trying to take her picture, and she kept turning her head!


Ms. Leslie & Jordan

Heading up the steps to slide....


WOOHOO! She didn't know what to think!

Spring is in the air....

Friday, March 23, 2012

Maggie & Max

Ethan loved Max!

They all love Ms. Maggie! Thanks for bringing Max so we could meet him!

The bunny named Dora!

We were studying predator, and prey, and it worked out great that our pre-school neighbors were having show and tell the same day. Ms. Susan and her husband brought Dora by to meet our class, and she taught us alot about bunnies, and the things they eat. It was very cool, and the kids enjoyed it!

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