Just smile and wave boys...just smile and wave !!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Having some fun!!

Ethan and Katie in one of their special classes: Library!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rainy Day Activites

Ms. Selina, and Jordan getting ready......

Doing some sitter-cise

Katie's Birthday

Katie's mom bought us cup cakes, so we could celebrate with her!

Thomas, Jordan, Ethan, Katie, & Cheyenne

Baking Pumpkin Seeds


Thomas, Cheyenne, Ethan, Jordan, & John

They had so much fun!

Getting the seeds out....


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Class pictures

"Even witches think that Drugs stink"

                                       Our pumpkin we decorated for Red Ribbon week

We did a lesson on Masks and all the different reasons they can be used. So, as a class project we made our own! This is how they turned out:

                                                            Katie & John



                                Jordan, laughing at us being silly, and Thomas in the background!