Just smile and wave boys...just smile and wave !!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Daniel Boone Festival 2011

We had a blast walking to the festival this year!! We learned so much, and enjoy seeing all the things at the pioneer camp. Big "Thank You's" goes out to our wonderful lunch room ladies for preparing our sack lunches!! We appreciate you all for taking care of us! :)

                             John, Mrs. Brown, Katie, Ms. Selina, Thomas, Jordan, & Cheyenne
                                                          (photographer: Ms. Leslie)
                                                             Pioneer stuff.....

                                                               Fun in the sun!
                                                           Jordan & Ms. Selina
                                                         The good old days! :)

                                            One of the pioneer ladies..she was nice enough 
                                                          to let us take her picture.

                                             taking a break from getting some fun facts

                                                  Ms. Leslie, Jordan, & Katelyn

                                                                 Off to the park....

Cheyenne and Thomas
                                                   Thomas Construction Inc.


Enjoying the last few days of summer......


                                                                   Sir Thomas
                                                               Ready! Set! Go!